Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, often referred to in the medical community as Photon Light Therapy, is used primarily for rejuvenative purposes such as body detoxification and even tissue cleansing. Lymphatic drainage, or “lymph drainage” therapy, has also been known to aid in reaching better standing health and even provide a greater sense of well-being to the patient. You can find lymph drainage therapy and other treatment options available at Get Well Scottsdale, where you can reach that better sense of wellness and a healthier way of life.
Why is the Lymphatic System So Important?
The most underrated circulatory system in the human body is our lymphatic system. Most health care practitioners never consider the critical role lymph plays in preventing sickness or the critical role it plays in keeping us healthy.
The lymphatic system is a vital circulatory system, critical to managing the elimination of toxins from our body and is the primary immune defense and waste eliminator of the body. It contains over 600 “collection” sites called lymph nodes and has a network of collecting vessels which is even more extensive than the venous system.
The lymphatic system is primarily responsible for carrying disease fighting material to cells attacked by germs, transporting the dead germs away and supplying protein rich plasma fluid back to the heart. When this system is congested, your body can become defenseless against attacks by virus, fungus, and bacteria.
Medical research explains the lymphatic system as the primary system used by all immunological support elements (such as macrophages, T-Cells, B-Cells, lymphocytes, etc.) to fight virus, fungus, and bacteria invading the body. It is also composed of over 50% plasma protein and is the major system carrying nutrition rich plasma protein back into our blood.
When the lymphatic system is sluggish, infection fighting material is prevented from destroying germs and cell nourishing elements are prevented from reaching the blood. As a result, germs grow, our blood loses much needed protein, our immune system falters, and infectious diseases march in!
This important system acts as a reservoir of infection churning out billions of infected immune system cells. When the system becomes overwhelmed, these infected immune cells eventually spill into the blood stream, where they travel to other parts of the body.
Much later, after enduring years of viral proliferation, the immune system begins to falter and infectious disease may take hold.
Studies reveal that “up to 10 times as much virus may reside in the lymphatic system as in the blood”.
Most chronic disease problems occur at the junction of lymph vessels called “lymph nodes”. One can feel lymph nodes by pressing under the arms, just below the collarbone or in the crease between the thigh and pelvic area. When touching these areas, most people will feel small bumps and sometimes pain. The bumps and are symptomatic of blocked lymph nodes.
Blocked lymphatic nodes indicate a breakdown in the mechanical functioning of the lymphatic system. In men, the inguinal nodes located in the area (crease) of the groin, between the genitals and the thigh are primary channels for letting accumulated lymph (protein and fluid) release from the prostate. In women, the auxiliary nodes, located in the arm pit and extend to from the arm pit down toward the breast, are the primary channel for releasing accumulated lymph (protein and fluid) from the breast.
In many cases of prostate, breast and other cancerous situations, these lymph nodes are involved, enlarged and result in a reduced ability to eliminate lymphatic fluid.
What is Lymphatic Therapy using the LBG machine?
The movement of lymphatic fluid has been studied for many years with independent clinical research resulting in very efficient manual methods for restoring the lymphatic system. Modern research, using manual lymphatic drainage techniques in conjunction with a non-invasive technology called the Light Beam Generator (LBG), effects a swift, safe, and natural method of eliminating excess lymphatic fluid.
The LBG machine assists the body to achieve a free flow of protein within the lymph system and to release bonded protein blockages in the interstitium of the connective tissue.
The LBG is a non-invasive technology using extremely low current and negatively charged light photons. This provides compatible frequencies to the blocked area resulting in cells correcting their imbalanced condition and disassociating themselves from the agents responsible for the swelling and blockage.
The LBG machine may assist with rapid movement of waste materials within the cell, and the delivery of the waste materials to the organs responsible for waste management is greatly increased.
With waste materials moving within the body, day to day factors like eating habits, body structure, nutrition, medication and mental health can also be addressed to provide a successful formula for restoring health. Common conditions presenting relief when using the LBG machine are: pain, especially as it involves soft tissue, sciatica, breast conditions, fibrocystic disease, arthritis, bursitis and other conditions where inflammation is involved such as swelling, bruising, and pre/post-op surgical recovery. The LBG machine may increase the healing process by assisting with movement of the lymphatic system.